Featured Slot Games

Sharp Shooter

Sharp Shooter

Sharp Shooter is an online dice throwing game created by NYX. For those new and experienced online players of this niche game, they can check out the review below to know if they should invest their time and money into this game.

Getting To Know More About Sharp Shooter

NYX is the developer of Sharp Shooter, an online casino dice-throwing game. They are given three dice and three opportunities, to engage in a game of Sharp shooting. They are expected to shoot down a total of three target dice that the croupier rolls out.

You can win if you are fortunate enough to hit all the three targeted dice, with the three rolls of your own dice. By efficiently using your three dice to take out the three dice rolled by the croupier, you will receive a considerable payout as a reward.

Sharp ShooterHow To Play This Game

Best Online Casino Sharp Shooter comes with both a minimum and a maximum bet value. For the minimum wager you have 10p, and for the maximum bet, you can make £800. The maximum amount you can win for each game is £1,600.

There is a button that is located at the lower part of your playing screen, which enables you to select your chip value when you click on it. As soon as your chip is placed, you will be greeted with two buttons which will appear on your screen. These buttons have chip options for you to choose.

In one of the options, players can take out an already placed chip and replace it with a new wager. Another option will enable to proceed with the game as soon as your bet is to your preferred taste.

Winning On Sharp Shooter

If you have placed a single wager to win, the objective of this slot game then will be for you to match up the face value of the three rolled dice made by the croupier, with your own three dice.

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With each dice you roll, you will knock off the target dice with a similar face value.

For example, if the croupier rolled three dice with the values of 5,4,3 and you rolled your own three dice and got the following values 3, 4 and 6, then you would have knocked off the 3 and 4 with only a 5 left.

Players will win the placed bet if all the three dice rolled by the croupier, are completely knocked off within their three available throws of their dice. With Sharp Shooter you get a payout of 8:1 for a win on your first roll of the dice. You get a payout of 7:5 to win on the second throw of the dice and a payout of 2:1 on the third and final throw of the dice.

Slot GamesTo Sum up

This game has some very simple playing rules, that should make it appreciated by both the experienced and new online casino players.

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